Friday, September 30, 2016

3 Ways to Improve Self Image in Middle Age

How to feel confident in your style in middle age

IMproving your self image with style  In middle age

self image, selfconfidence, fashion, fashionblogger, middleage


I don't know about you, but most of my teen and young adult years were spent having a low self image. So much pressure is put on women to look Hollywood gorgeous because of all that goes on in the media. It has taken many years to cultivate a positive self image, and it can happen for you as well.

I still struggle with self confidence at times but not as much I did back then. As we age, it's easy for low self worth to sneak in again. The body starts changing in ways we never imagined!  Take courage, you can still be a hottie even in middle age!

I 've been into fashion most of my life. My first experience with it was in the home-economics department of my junior high classroom. I was thrown in front of a sewing machine and told to start creating! It's an amazing feeling to wear  a garment that you worked hard to create. This started me on a journey of self discovery and dressing well.

Dressing to feel your best and taking pride in your appearance: will take you a long way In the journey of self discovery and acceptance.  

 I know there is many more factors involved with improving self confidence. Style  has probably been the main factor in helping me to overcome negative thoughts about myself.  When I was a young girl, I wasn't into looking my best .

Self confidence relates to so many areas of our being: career, family , love, and character. 

Today I am sharing 3 Ways to Improve Your Self Image:

1) Smile Often:

When you smile you automatically feel better about yourself and those around you. It is an instant mood booster. You just never know what someone is going through and seeing someone else smile makes life a little easier to bare.  When stresses come in our personal or professional lives it is harder to put on a anyway to boost your confidence!

2) Dress for Success:

Dressing well doesn't mean wearing the most expensive designer fashion on the market, but rather discovering your own unique style.  Some things are just not flattering and you'll only find it out by trial and error. For instance I can't wear anything that is too gathered at the waist or has a lot of flare- I have a short torso and long legs- these styles make me look like a houseboat!

You might be a casual dresser, snazzy uptown girl type, seventies-boho, tailored, or hippie chic. Find which trends express your personality the best, and make you feel beautiful inside and out.  If you are unsure what your style is, go to the mall and try clothes on like crazy- until you discover your style. You can always recruit  your teenage daughter to help: they are always so brutally honest aren't they?!?

Some think looking having a sexy edge to your outfit is not appropriate for certain ages.  Hey aging happens to the best of us- haven't you heard 50 is the new 30?!( So we like to think anyway..ha!)  In my opinion there are only a few rules when it comes to age appropriate dress:
  • Wear only styles that flatter your body type
  • Keep it classy
  • Dress fun
3) Learn A New Skill:

We are never too old to learn something new, pursue a dream, or go back to college.  Since I started blogging two years ago, I have learned a boatload of new skills, and taken many online courses. Techy stuff is not my forte and has kicked my butt big time!

Some of us are late bloomers, and decide to change careers at mid life. Never let your age deter you! If you can dream it, you can do it! It is exciting though to think about how much I have learned and how far I've come.  Pushing myself out of my comfort zone to learn this stuff, has definitely boosted my self confidence.
Fashion, fashionblogger, selfimage, middleage, seattle

I hope I have inspired you to embrace a positive body image and to believe in yourself. After all if we don't love ourselves first, it is harder to love others the way we should. Insecurity can stem from many things, and as mentioned in the beginning- society puts so much pressure on us to have the perfect body, size, face etc. Self image is a struggle for many, regardless of age.

I truly believe style has no age or size- celebrate your uniqueness, your talents, and keep believing in your beautiful self! You are a divine original! Fashion makes you stay true to yourself but also makes you think outside of yourself!

Have a great weekend, do you have any fun plans?  I hope you can come back and visit soon! For daily fashion and travel updates catch me on Instagram and Twitter, thank you!


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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Amy..have a great day, glad you liked the post!

  2. Great tips! I think we are as young as we feel. I love my forties and I how much I have learned. I feel more self assured now than back in my twenties and thirties.

    1. You are so right on that ! I feel the same way..thank you for stopping by!

  3. I love your outfit! These are also wonderful tips. I struggle with my self image and tend to be really hard on myself. People who know me really well say I hide it very well.. mainly because I smile a lot! Smiling and dressing well really do help!

    1. Awe Christy..I hear ya...I tend to do the same..but yes smiling a lot even when you don't want to certainly helps! Best to you!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much...I love them ..I have a tan pair too, thanks for the visit!

  5. Great tips. I love them all, but I'm particularly a fan of smiling more! It's a great way to turn your day around and to make others around you happier, too.
    xoxo, erin |

    1. Yes I agree...we could all smile more..which I need to work on! Thank you Erin!

  6. I love this blog. Just very refreshing read. It so very true that I actually follow all these tips. Xoxo

    PS you look radiant!!!


    1. Awe thank you so much Meileilan for the kind words!


  7. Awesome tips here, I love this post!! (also you look amazing in that outfit!) I agree that dressing nicer really does boost how I feel.

    1. Thanks Lauren for the kind words..I hope your week is amazing!

  8. I love this look :) You are so cute !

    1. Hey Elodie..thank you so much! Have a great weekend!

  9. i agree with u 100% age is what u think and totally if u can dream u can do! my life is all about that now and u r a hottie!!!

    1. Chichi..thank you for the lovley words..I so agree...anything is possible if you dream it!!


  10. I love the idea of smiling more, you mention the fact even if you are experiencing a challenge in life, what is going on in others life, and what would something as simple as a smile will do to help them get through. I watched a motivational video about Dwayne Johnson, and he said in his lowest time of life, it would have been so uplifting if someone would just smile and tell me "it would be ok, you will get through this". Let's be that positive person, by offering a smile, calling an old friend, or going out to coffee and catching up, so many thing we can do to make a difference.
    Personally I have never dresses to impress, however I will work on that.
    Learning a new skill, this is definitely a different mind set, to checkout a blog,and see what others are doing in their lives, it is pretty cool and I look forward to more adventures. Keep up the good work Mapleleopard!

    1. Thanks Timothy for stopping by and your kind words of encouragement, have a fabulous day!

  11. These are such great pointers for even younger generation..I think a smile is your best accessory and being kind is so so important. You totally rock your age Valerie! Love your fun spirit and attitude. Have a wonderful day :)

    Monika |

    1. Thank you Monika for the sweet words! It is so are only as old as you feel...I hope you have a fantastic day!

  12. So true, I think we are as young as we feel. Time and wisdom though allow us to embrace everything as it comes.

    1. That is a great thought ..yes time does help us with all things!
